DON JURAVIN | Biblical mentor to maximize purposeful life

DON JURAVIN | Biblical mentor to maximize purposeful life

Respecting Opinions Like… 💁‍♀️🤷‍♂️

Ah, the joy of engaging in a discussion where opinions clash like two titans of intellectual banter. 🗣️💥 Me: “Okay, I respect your wrong opinion.” 💁‍♀️🙃 Sometimes, we find ourselves in debates where we vehemently disagree with someone’s viewpoint. But hey, let’s not lose our cool. Let’s keep the discourse civil and sprinkle it with […]

Give Me My Space… Until I Defrost! ❄️🧊

Rise and shine, they say. But hold on a minute! If you catch me right after waking up, be prepared to witness the frosty side of me. ❄️😴 Me: huddled in a blanket fortress “Do not approach until fully defrosted!” We all have those moments when we need a little time to thaw out and […]

Beauty: A Matter of Perspective! 👓😄

Ah, the classic “You’re beautiful” compliment. Me, ever the skeptic, can’t help but whip out my trusty glasses to get a clearer view. 👓😄 Friend: “You’re beautiful!” Me: hands over glasses “Here, take a closer look.” 😄👓 Sure, beauty is subjective, but let’s just say my glasses offer a different perspective. With a touch of […]

Late-Night Director: Imagining Dreamland Productions! 🌙🎬😴

Can anyone else relate to this? Me, the ultimate late-night director, conjuring up elaborate fake scenarios just to help me drift into dreamland. 🌙🎬😴 Lights, camera, action! As I lie in bed, my imagination takes the spotlight, creating a magical world where I’m the star of my own movie. 🌟🎥✨ Plot twists? Check. Epic adventures? […]

The Ha Reduction Dilemma: When Laughter Overwhelms! 😄😬🤐

Have you ever experienced the struggle of deleting one “ha” from your “hahahaha” because it just feels like too much? 😄😬🤐 We’ve all been there, laughing uncontrollably, only to realize that our laughter has escalated to a level that’s almost too intense. So, we hit that backspace key, silently questioning our own sanity. 😅🔍⏪ Friend: […]

Trust Issues 101: The Cry-o-Meter Challenge! 😢📸🚫

Trust issues be like… Person: “I miss you.” Me: “Oh really? Prove it. Send me a picture of you crying. 😏😢📸” When trust issues have their own unique way of making us question everything, even the simplest expressions of affection. Trust is earned, and a photo of those tears might just be the ultimate test. […]

Take Control: Be the Architect of Your Own Day! 🌞😈💥

Don’t let anyone else ruin your day. After all, it’s YOUR day to wreak havoc and cause chaos all on your own! 🌞😈💥 Negative vibes and external influences? No thank you! I’ve got the power to create my own chaos and mischief, right from the moment I wake up! 😈🌪️💣 Me: Determined “Today’s the day […]

Speedy Replies: Faster Than a Shooting Star! ⚡💨✉️

How fast do I reply, you ask? Well, buckle up because my response time is quicker than a shooting star! ⚡💨✉️ Friend: “Hey, how are you doing?” 🌟 Me: Instantly “I’m great, thanks for asking! How about you?” ⚡👋✉️ When it comes to replying, I don’t waste any time. I’ve got my fingers on the […]

The Elusive Memory of Dreams: Here One Second, Gone the Next! 🌙💭🤔

Ah, the perplexing phenomenon of dreaming! One moment, you’re immersed in a wild and vivid dream, and the next, it vanishes like a wisp of smoke. 🌙💭🤔 Me: Wakes up “Whoa, that was a crazy dream!” 😮💭 7 seconds later… Me: Blank stare “What dream? Did it even happen?” 🤔🚶‍♂️ It’s as if our dreams […]

The Siren Call of Food: A Battle Between Perfection and Temptation! 🍔🌊💪

Oh, the eternal struggle between yearning for a perfect body and the irresistible allure of food! It’s like the ocean calling out to Moana, but with delicious treats instead! 🍔🌊💪 Me: “I want that perfect body!” 💪 Food: 🍕🍔🍩 “Come to us! Indulge in our flavors and satisfy your cravings. Resistance is futile!” It’s a […]