DON JURAVIN | Biblical mentor to maximize purposeful life

DON JURAVIN | Biblical mentor to maximize purposeful life

Strength Of The Lord

Religious revolution

Table of Contents

"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

There are challenges in life that overwhelm the strongest of people, and fears that gnaw at the stoutest of human hearts. Many young people are growing faint and weary.

They stumble and fall as they rely on their inner strength and human resources, which are not a good shield in the storms of life. Only power from above is adequate to sustain us. The Lord is a GOD of grace and mercy. He never reneges on His Word, nor does He grow exhausted in His loving-kindness.

He is gracious to the humble and renews the strength of those who wait upon Him with faith. We must have faith in His words. Trust God to bring to pass all He has promised, even when our senses and logic seem to suggest the opposite, and even if the situation appears to contradict His promised truth. Those who believe in the Lord are those who have the assurance and inner confidence that His promises, and the things for which we hope, are a matter of fact and a present reality that cannot be denied by senses, emotions, reason or fear.